Middle market business leaders brace for economic downturn in first half of 2023

Seventy percent of middle market business leaders said the outlook for their companies over the next 12 months is very good or excellent — a decline of eight percentage points since September. Confidence in the overall U.S. economy dropped even more sharply, from 61% characterizing the outlook as excellent or very good in September to only 47% at year-end.

Between the third and fourth quarters of 2022, company outlook decreased most sharply among middle market business owners and executives in the construction (87% to 78%) and manufacturing (79% to 73%) industries. Geographically, the West region experienced a 17-point drop in positive company outlook, from 83% to 66%. And in terms of company size, optimism is waning the most at companies with revenues between $10 and $250 million: Just over two-thirds (68%) of these business leaders report an excellent or very good outlook for their company’s…

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