China’s economy thrives amid world turmoil

BEIJING: Navigating a changing international environment in the past decade, China has remained a firm advocate of an open global economy, with proactive actions taken and across-the-board progress made in its opening-up endeavors.

At the 29th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders’ Meeting, China reaffirmed its resolve to open up wider to a high standard, calling for efforts to actively expand opening-up and comprehensively upgrade regional economic cooperation.

Consistent opening-up endeavors, alongside steady economic growth over the past decade, have made China a sought-after destination for global investors.

In 2021, foreign direct investment in the Chinese mainland, in actual use, surpassed 1 trillion yuan ($140.18 billion) for the first time, up 62.9 percent from the 2012 level and ranking second globally.

Despite a global economic slowdown this year, foreign…

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