Chiesi Ventures, Inc. Cuts Stake in Aura Biosciences Inc (AURA)

Fintel reports that Chiesi Ventures, Inc. has filed a 13G/A form with the SEC disclosing ownership of 1,218,803 shares of Aura Biosciences Inc (AURA). This represents 3.3% of the company.

In their previous filing dated November 12, 2021 they reported 1,625,071 shares and 5.80% of the company, a decrease in shares of 25.00% and a decrease in total ownership of 2.50% (calculated as current – previous percent ownership).


What are other large shareholders doing?

Matrix Capital Management Company, LP holds 4,112,870 shares representing 11.10% ownership of the company. No change in the last quarter.

Medicxi Ventures Management (Jersey) Ltd holds 3,039,892 shares representing 8.21%…

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